Answer the following questions and incorporate your answers in your presentation:




Who are the people involved or affected by the conflict?

What were/are the goals of those affected?

What is the chronology of major events in the conflict?
  • How did the conflict start?

  • What are the major events of the conflict?
  • Has the conflict ended? If so, how? If not how might it end? (Give some expert opinions)
What are/were the characteristics of the conflict?
  • What strtegies were used in the conflict?
  • How did the conflict effect the region in the past?
  • How did the conflict effect the world in the past?

What has been the long term impacts of the conflict?

  • For the region?
  • For the world?
  • Are these areas still affected? Why?
What are some of the solutions world governments have tried to apply to this conflict?

Offer some of your own (REALISTIC) solutions to this conflict?

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in-bottom: 0.0001pt; line-height: normal;">What role have African Peace Keepers and the United Nations played in helping to bring about peace in the area?

Explain the long term impacts of major conflicts in Africa on the following:

What was the solution world governments applied to these conflicts or were they solved on their own? Or, are there still serious issues? Explain for each

Offer some of your own (REALISTIC) solutions to these conflicts?

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