Answer the following questions and incorporate your answers in your presentation:





Start in the 1970’s


<>Where is Afghanistan? Why is Afghanistan such a poor country?
<>  <>Give a brief chronology of major events that have affected Afghanistan, by answering the three questions below? In your own words –following the format below:
  • What was Afghanistan like before the Russian Invasion? 
<>·         How did the Russian Invasion affect Afghanistan? 

·         What happened to Afghanistan after the Russians left and before the American Invasion?

<>·         Why did the Americans invade Afghanistan? 

Describe the main characteristics of the Taliban, by answering the three questions below? In your own words –following the format below:

  • What strategies did the Taliban use to control the Afghan population?
  • How did the Taliban affect woman’s rights in Afghanistan?
  • How did the Taliban contribute to terrorism against the Western Countries?

Explain the impacts of religious radicalism on the following areas?

  • On the people of Afghanistan and Pakistan?
  • On the Middle East? 
  • On the world?
<>What are some of the solutions world governments have tried to apply to Afghanistan and religious radicalism?
<>How would you try to end the conflict between religious radicals and the Globalized world? Offer some of your own (REALISTIC) solutions?

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