World History
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World History
Unit I - Foundations period: c. 8000
B.C.E. to 600 C.E. (19-20%)
of AP Exam
- Comparisons of the major religious and
philosophical systems including some underlying similarities in
cementing a social hierarchy, e.g., Hinduism contrasted with
- Role of women in different belief
systems -- Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, and Hinduism
- Understanding of how and why the
collapse of empire was more severe in western Europe than it was in the
eastern Mediterranean or in China
- Compare the caste system to other
systems of social inequality devised by early and classical
civilizations, including slavery
- Compare societies and cultures that
include cities with pastoral and nomadic societies
- Compare the development of traditions
and institutions in major civilizations, e.g., Indian, Chinese, and
- Describe interregional trading
systems, e.g., the Indian Ocean trade
II - 600 C.E. to 1450 (22%) of AP Exam
- Japanese and European feudalism
- Developments in political and social
institutions in both eastern and western Europe
- Compare the role and function of
cities in major societies
- Compare Islam and Christianity
- Gender systems and changes, such as
the impact of Islam
- Aztec Empire and Inca Empire
- Compare European and sub-Saharan
African contacts with the Islamic world
III - 1450 to 1750 (19-20%) of AP Exam
- Imperial systems: European monarchy
compared with a land-based Asian empire
- Coercive labor systems: slavery and
other coercive labor systems in the Americas
- Comparative knowledge of empire (i.e.,
general empire building in Asia, Africa,
and Europe)
- Compare Russia's
interaction with the West with the interaction of one of the following (Ottoman
Empire, China,
Tokugawa Japan,
Mughal India)
with the West
IV - 1750 to 1914 (19-20%) of
AP Exam
- Compare the causes and early phases of
the industrial revolution in western Europe and Japan
- Comparative revolutions (compare two
of the following: Haitian, American, French, Mexican, and Chinese)
- Compare reaction to foreign domination
in: the Ottoman Empire, China,
and Japan
- Comparative nationalism
- Compare forms of western intervention
in Latin America and in Africa
- Compare the roles and conditions of
women in the upper/middle classes with peasantry/working class in
western Europe
V - 1914 to the Present (19-20%)
of Exam
- Patterns and results of decolonization in Africa
and India
- Pick two revolutions (Russian, Chinese, Cuban,
Iranian) and compare their effects on the roles of women
- Compare the effects of the World Wars on areas
outside of Europe
- Compare legacies of colonialism and patterns of
economic development in two of three areas (Africa,
Asia, and Latin America)
- The notion of "the West" and "the East" in the
context of Cold War ideology
- Compare nationalist ideologies and movements in
contrasting European and colonial environments
- Compare the different types of independence
- Compare the impacts of Western consumer society
on two civilizations outside of Europe
- Compare high tech warfare with guerrilla warfare
- Different proposals (or models) for
third world economic development and the social and political
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