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Rubric for AP World History Research Papers


Thesis Statement5 points

5       Thesis statement follows provided format (Argumentative, Analytical, and Specific) and is provable in a manner consistent with format of paper and research available.

4-3    Thesis lacks one or two important components noted above.

2-1    Thesis is a broad statement that lacks argumentative and analytical components.

0       No Thesis is noted


Proof of Thesis Statement - 5 points

5       All segments of thesis statement are proven with numerous, specific historical examples, soundly, and without major historical errors.

4-3    Most of the thesis statement is proven with adequate historical examples; though some minor historical errors exist.

2-1    Thesis statement is written, although lacking historical proof or examples or, major historical errors exist.

0       Research and thesis statement are without any semblance of proof.


Format - 5 points

5              Paper is written in 12 point Times New Roman font (or equivalent) is at least 5 pages and no greater than 7 full length pages (not including cover page and works cited) and has a cover page.

4-3       Font does not fit above requirement or cover page is missing and/or paper is more then 7 pages.

2-1       Paper is less than 5 pages in length or does not have a cover page. Or, font is so large that if reduced to 12 point Times New Roman, would decrease the number of pages bringing the paper under the 5 page requirement. 

0       Paper is less than 5 pages or font is well outside requirements and has no cover page.


Works Citied - 5 points

5              A minimum of 5 Primary Sources are listed in MLA Format. Your text book may be used but will be considered a 6th Source. (Note that Wikipedia is NOT considered a Primary Source. Primary Sources include sources written by someone that is considered an expert on the topic… IE a College PhD, a primary encyclopedia, newspapers, speeches, interviews, memoirs, documents produced by government agencies, ect.

4-3       Paper has only 4 sources, is not written in MLA format, and/or one or two of the sources are secondary or tertiary sources.

2-1       Paper has less than 4 sources, is not written in MLA format, or most of the sources are secondary or tertiary sources.

0              Paper has no works cited.


Spelling and Grammar - 5 points

-         Errors deduct 1/2 point each, up to a maximum of 2.5 points.

-         Always proof read and don’t forget to spell check.


-         Please note any papers receiving less than 10 points will receive a 0 (Minimum Standard not met, per MCPS policy.) The Minimum Grade is 12.5 which equal 50%.

-         A 10 percent deduction will be given for late papers. Papers more than 1 week late will not be accepted and will receive a grade of 0, except in extreme cases.

-         Plagiarized Papers are considered theft and will receive a grade of 0, a parent phone call, and a potential visit to the office. Honesty is always the best policy. Take pride in your work.


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