•The initial five years of Nero's
reign were marked by moderation.
•However soon he married his step
sister Octavia.
•Adopted his step brother
Britannicus, then later had his step brother murdered.
•In 59 he had his mother put to death
for her criticism
of his mistress.
•In 62 he divorced (and later
executed) Octavia and married Poppaea.
•In July 64, two-thirds of Rome
burned while Nero was at Antium.
–Many believe he had the city burned
on purpose.
–Of course he laid the blame on the Christians and persecuted them.
–He rebuilt the city in Marble. (Fire Proof)
–Viewing himself as an artist and a
religious visionary, he scandalized the army and aristocracy when he appeared
publicly as an actor in religious dramas.
•In 67 he kicked Poppaea to death by
Nero, and
he married Statilia Messalina after executing her husband.
•In 68 the Gallic and Spanish
legions, along with the Praetorian Guards, rose against him, and he fled Rome.
•Declared a public enemy by the
Senate, he committed suicide on June 9, 68, near Rome.