It's believed that the Chimu peoples from
Peru were the
first visitors to the Islands in the mid 1400’s. In 1535, the ship of
Bishop Fray
Tomas de Berlanga of Panama drifted off course and landed in the
Islands. Between the late 1500’s and
early 1700’s the Islands were a favorite hideout and supply base for
pirates. The
Pirates killed a number of giant tortoises during this time for their
meat. By
1870, hunting and fishing by seafarers nearly brought the giant
tortoise, fur
seals and sperm whales, to extinction. The most famous visit of the
1800’s was
that of Charles Darwin and his famous ship the Beagle. Darwin
studied and noted the similarities and
differences of the flora and fauna. He concluded that the species, to
would gradually change based on environmental conditions. This was
famous Theory of Evolution. In 1859, after
spending 20 years of his life gathering supporting evidence, Darwin
"The Origin of the Species by Natural Selection". In 1892 the Galapagos
was officially named "Archipélago de Colón" in honor of
Columbus's discovery of American 400 years earlier, this name was later
back to Galapagos in honor of the giant tortoises. Galapagos means
Islands.” In 1959, on the 100th Anniversary of the publication of
Origin of Species, the Galapagos Islands became Ecuador's first
National Park
and the non-profit Charles Darwin Foundation was established to assist
in the preservation
of the islands. In 1978, The Islands are declared a World Heritage site
UNESCO underlining their universal value for mankind.
