An independent Korean state or collection of states has
existed almost continuously for several millennia. Between its initial
unification in the 7th century - from three predecessor Korean states -
until the 20th century, Korea existed as a single independent country.
In 1905, following the Russo-Japanese War, Korea became a protectorate
of imperial Japan, and in 1910 it was annexed as a colony. Korea
regained its independence following Japan's surrender to the United
States in 1945. After World War II, a Republic of Korea (ROK) was set
up in the southern half of the Korean Peninsula while a Communist-style
government was installed in the north (the DPRK). During the Korean War
(1950-53), US troops and UN forces fought alongside soldiers from the
ROK to defend South Korea from DPRK attacks supported by China and the
Soviet Union. An armistice was signed in 1953, splitting the peninsula
along a demilitarized zone at about the 38th parallel. Thereafter,
South Korea achieved rapid economic growth with per capita income
rising to roughly 17 times the level of North Korea. In 1993, KIM
Young-sam became South Korea's first civilian president following 32
years of military rule. South Korea today is a fully functioning modern
democracy. (CIA Factbook)
