German South West Africa was
the name that was given
to the country during colonial times in the late 1800's. Germany was
the first colonizer when the exploration of Africa was at its peak.
What led to its discovery was the interest of foreigners to the rare
ivory tusks that were hunted off from elephants. The country soon
became a settlement for Germans. In the early years, there were
conflicts between the Namas and Herero peoples, followed by conflicts
between the Namas and the Colonial German troops, known as the
Schutztruppes. These German troops were sent to relieve and resolve
disagreements between the Hereros people and the Namas people. When
Namibia was discovered to be a diamond country, there was great unrest.
After World War I, Germany had to surrender the nation to Britain. The
country then was under the administration of the British Union of South
Africa which proved to be a start in the series of events that would
lead to independence. In the late 20th Century, the South West Africa
Peoples Organization (SWAPO) fought a war to liberate the county. On
March 21, 1990 the United Nations enacted a resolution that was able to
mandate elections for the country, making it an independent state. The
country underwent several phases in order to be the stable democracy
that it is today.
